What is a word processor?
Ans: Word processor is an application software released by Microsoft which
is used for production and editing of any printable material. MS-office Word
2007 is a kind of word processor
Write Down the procedure of changing default location
in the save in section (MS Word).
To change the default location in the save in section-
i. Click on the Office Button;
on the Option Command of the
application, such as Word Options;
on Save Command;
click on Browse from in the Default File location option; and
select a new path. This will change the default location in the Save in
Write down the Procedure of disabling Automatic spell
checking? How do you check spelling?
To disable the automatic spell checking-
i. Click on Office Button;
on Proofing;
the box “Check spelling as you type”
box under the “When correcting spelling
and grammar in word” option.
iv. Click OK;
This will disable the automatic spell checking.
What is paragraph in MS word? What is the use of it?
Answer: A distinct division of written or printed
matter that begins on a new, usually indented line, consists of one or more
sentences, and typically deals with a single thought or topic or quotes one
speaker's continuous words. A mark (¶)
used to indicate where a new paragraph should begin or to serve as a reference
mark. OR: A group of closely related sentence that develop a central idea is
called a paragraph. A mark (¶) used to indicate where a new paragraph should
begin or to serve as a reference mark.
Uses: Paragraph is used to write composition or article on a
specific subject.
How do I print only 6th, 9th & 11th
page of document.
To print only the 6th, 11th and 9th
page of a document-
i. Open the print dialogue box by
pressing: Ctrl+P
the page range section, Select Pages
in the field right to Pages, type
the page numbers 6, 9 and 11 separating by comma;
iv. Click OK;
This command will only print the 6th, 9th and
11th page of the document.
How to create multicolumn in a page?
To create multicolumn in a page-
i. Click on the Page Layout Tab;
on Columns;
iii. Select the desired numbers of column
from the available options;
This command will change the document to multiple columns.
Discuss different Layout Views in Word.
Ans: Layout Views are how see an opened MS Word document on the
screen. Under View Menu there are
several layout views like Normal, Web, Print, Reading, Full screen etc.
1) Normal View does not show additional information like headers
and footers.
2) Web Layout displays how the file will appear on the web.
3) Print Layout displays multiple columns, headers, footers etc. It
is close to the actual view if the document is printed. 4) Reading Layout
displays how the document will appear as a book.
5) Fill screen does not display the bars and allows us to type,
edit or format the document.
Why do we save a .doc file as different Word Version
Ans: 1) There are several versions of Microsoft Word. So the use of
the versions can vary from person to person. 2) To make the .doc file available
and accessible to all we need to save the document as different Word Version
format. 3) For example if we Microsoft Word 2007, we should save a document
file as Word 97-2003 compatible to make accessible to older versions like XP or
What is paragraph in Microsoft word?
A paragraph is a distinct piece of writing, usually dealing with a
single theme and indicated by a new line, indentation, or numbering.
9. How can you replace multiple wrong words with correct
ones at a time in MS Word?
replace multiple wrong words with correct ones at a time-
ii. Click
Replace button in the Editing group;
In replace dialog box: Write wrong
words in Find What box and correct
word in Replace With box;
Click Find Next and click Replace;
Repeat steps until replace is finished.
Write down the keyboard shortcuts for the following
Ctrl+X/Shift+Delete(MS Word) Copy: Ctrl+C Paste: Ctrl+V
Ctrl+Z Redo: Ctrl+Y Centre Alignment: Ctrl+E
Right-aligned: Ctrl +R Spell
Check: F7 Save: Ctrl+S
Ctrl+F12 File Open: Ctrl+O Close
File: Ctrl+F4 or Ctrl
+ W
Closing Current document: Alt +F4 Print
Preview: Ctrl +F2 Print:
Ctrl+A Align
Left: Ctrl +L Format Painter: Ctrl +Shift +C
Open New
document: Ctrl + N Find:
Ctrl+F Replace:
Ctrl+G or F5 Hyper Link: Ctrl+K . Bold: Ctrl +B
Underlined: Ctrl +U Italic: Ctrl +I Increasing font size: Ctrl+]
font size: Ctrl +[ Font: Ctrl +D Help: F1
Ctrl + *
11. What is the procedure of inserting Symbols in an MS Word document?
To insert symbol in MS
Word document-
Place the cursor where to insert
Go to Insert Tab;
iii. Click
Symbols in Symbols group;
iv. Click
on the Symbol form shown or click More
Symbols and click on the symbol we want;
Click Insert
This command will
insert the desired Symbol to the document.
12. How can you add automatic page numbering in the header
of an MS Word document?
i. Click
on the Insert tab and from the Header and Footer section click on the
Header icon;
A drop down list is displayed; select
the Edit Header command;
iii. Press
the Tab key to position cursor;
iv. Click
on the Page Number button and then
select Current Position;
Click Plain Number.
This command will add
automatic page numbering to the Header of the MS Word document.
13. What are the uses of Header and Footer in MS Word?
Defn: A header or footer is text or graphics that is
usually printed at the top or bottom of every page in a document.
Uses: Headers
and footers can be used as simple as the document title and a page number. It
can also contain graphics, multiple paragraphs. Different header or footer can
be specified for odd and even pages or different header or footer can be used
for the first page of a section or document. In many organizations, header or
footer contains document reference number, company logo, letter heads etc.
14. How can you correct the spelling and grammatical
mistakes in MS Word?
i. Click
on the Review tab and then click Spelling & Grammar button; A
Spelling and Grammar dialog box will appear;
Select one of the suggestions and click Change option to fix the spelling or
grammar mistake and repeat the step to fix all the spelling or grammar mistake;
iii. When
it finishes, finally click OK.
15. How can you add columns to an existing table in MS
i. Select
the column > right click on it
ii. Select
Insert >Insert Column to the Left
or Insert Column to the Right
This command will add
columns to the existing table.
16. Describe the keyboard methods for navigating between
the cells in a table in MS Word document.
To move to the next
cell: Press Tab
To move to previous
cell: Press Shift + Tab
17. Discuss about Mail
Merge in MS Word?
The Mail Merge feature is used to insert
variable data into a fixed format by combining two files into one file. The two
files are the data file and the main document file.
variable Information is stored in the data file. Fixed information and the
field names are stored in the main document file. The data in the two files is
merged as a series of personalized letters or envelopes.
18. What
is mail merge? Why we use mail merge?
Ans: The mail merge feature is used to insert variable data into a fixed
format by combining two files into one file. Two files needed are the data file
and the main document. We use mail merge when we need a particular document to
be made, printed, or sent to many persons at a time.
19. Describe how you can set custom margins and paper size
for an MS Word document.
To set the margin:
Go to
Page Layout tab > click on the Margins button in Setup section >
Click on the Custom Margins > Set
margin values > Click OK.
To set the paper size:
Page Layout tab > Click on the Size icon > Click on desired size.
How can you add automatic page
numbering in the header of an MS Word documents?
First go to the header and footer group. Then select
Page Number. Then select top of the page. Here we can find man samples. Just
choose any type of the samples and it creates automatic page numbering in the
header of an MS Word documents.
Insert tab→ page number→ top of the page. Select any